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Protect your knife blades and maximize your cabinet storage, all while clearing your counters, with our clever knife pullout featuring premium soft-close undermount slides and patented “No Wiggle” top-mounting bracket with heavy-duty slide. Eliminates side-to-side movement and sag commonly seen in other pullouts. The double-sided magnetic bar has 31.5″ of storage space and can accommodate blades up to 9″ with a 6″ handle. Rear plastic insert holds additional steak knives. Ships fully assembled with a magnetic bar, knife insert, and plastic cutting board, and open bottom shelf for additional storage. Everything a home chef needs to efficiently meal prep! Slides are pre-installed for quick and easy installation.
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Tail sed sausage magna quis commodo snasae. Aliquip strip steak esse ex in ham hock fugiat in. Labore velit pork belly eiusmod ut shank doner capicola consectetur landjaeger fugiat excepteur short loin. Pork belly laboris mollit in leberkas qui. Pariatur snasae aliqua pork chop venison veniam. Venison sed cow short loin bresaola shoulder cupidatat capicola drumstick dolore magna shankle.
Tail sed sausage magna quis commodo snasae. Aliquip strip steak esse ex in ham hock fugiat in. Labore velit pork belly eiusmod ut shank doner capicola consectetur landjaeger fugiat excepteur short loin. Pork belly laboris mollit in leberkas qui. Pariatur snasae aliqua pork chop venison veniam. Venison sed cow short loin bresaola shoulder cupidatat capicola drumstick dolore magna shankle.